Minutes from HOA Meeting:
April 6, 2016
Meeting called to order: 6:40 pm
Roll call and introduction of families present; there were 13 families represented at the meeting.
Officer Report: Kevin Rowe, Treasurer
Kevin gave the financial report. Key points were:
2015 financials and 2016 budget were presented
Liens/delinquents were discussed
Rules for dues payments and delinquencies were reviewed
Officer Report: Tom Wiandt, President
Tom presented community operation updates:
Entrance lighting and repairs
Sprinkler repair
Landscaping improvements
Overflow valve repair, insurance collected
Street tree project – Phase 2
Announced contract of new landscaping firm: Grounds Pro
Pond improvements and new signs
There was some discussion regarding the upper pond. Questions were raised as to when the final installment of FlexMat will occur. Tom assured homeowner that the upper pond is no longer presenting an erosion problem, but never-the-less the final piece of FlexMat will be installed at some point this summer
Pool operation updates:
Parking lot sealing
Drainage repair
Pillar capstone repairs
Fence repair
Pump and miscellaneous equipment replaced
Cost Savings Actions:
New landscaping service contracted at lower cost to HOA
Reduced fees for tax preparation services
Irrigation system improved to create more efficiency and save money
LED lighting at entrance will be much more cost effective
HOA Board thanks all community volunteers who have become involved:
Landscape Committee: Jeff Winkler, Mary Rowe and Amy Wiandt
Social Media: Mimi Muterspaw
Borough Representatives:
Kim Patel, East Borough
Mary Lodico, South Borough
Brandon Wheatley, Estates
Kathy Welch, Central Borough
The meeting was opened for elections: Dawn Brandenburg, Secretary
Votes and proxy form were counted and the current board was reinstalled for the 2016-2017 year. A quorum of votes were cast (including those present as well as proxy forms submitted) in favor of current board.
Tom Wiandt, President
Kevin Rowe, Treasurer
Dawn Brandenburg, Secretary
Call for meeting to be adjourned. Proposed and seconded.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Refreshments and social time followed the meeting.
Respectfully submitted: Dawn Brandenburg, Secretary